About Us

In the heart of 7 Levels Beauty lies a story of friendship, self-discovery, and a shared journey towards inner peace. In the story of the founders Yana and Diana, they're not just childhood friends; they're kindred spirits who reconnected after different life paths. United by a shared wisdom, they created "7 Levels of Beauty" to capture their transformative journey and share it with the world.

This brand goes beyond skincare; it blends spiritual practices with natural ingredients for everyone. Guided by the ancient wisdom of Kundalini Yoga, Yana and Diana have created something special. Their mix of modern technology and care psychology guides everyone toward feeling more balanced and celebrating their uniqueness.



Yana: «In a world where I felt lost and surrounded by uncertainty, my life seemed like a confusing maze without direction. The shadows of self-doubt clouded everything, and I desperately searched for an escape without knowing where to go. That's when Kundalini Yoga appeared as my lifeline. Its energy became a source of positive change, making me feel like I was waking up to a new life from within. Each yoga position and meditation helped me let go of the heaviness of uncertainty.

My morning routines transformed from mere tasks into magical transitions into the day. With each day of these morning rituals, I grew closer to my feminine side, learning to appreciate and love myself. Now, having experienced this personal transformation, I'm excited to share a similar journey through our brand, "7 Levels of Beauty." It's not just about skincare; it's about discovering and empowering yourself. »

Diana: “Through Yana's introduction to Kundalini Yoga, I found myself on a path of transformative odyssey, rediscovering the profound essence of self-love, self-care, and inner harmony. For when we feel beautiful within, we are empowered to embrace our uniqueness and conquer our worlds with grace and authenticity.

United by a common mindset, together with Yana we have embarked on a mission to spread our newfound wisdom to the world. Our shared vision materialized into 7 Levels of Beauty, a skincare brand deeply rooted in authenticity and spirituality. More than just a collection of products, 7 Levels of Beauty embodies a philosophy—a philosophy that believes in the inherent connection between outer radiance and inner serenity.”